A flock of migrating marine animals will leave you breathless with their ingenuity and sheer beauty.
#1 The Golden Ray Migration is a Sight to See
This is a unique species of stingray known as the Golden Ray, and what you are witnessing is one seriously massive migration.
#2 Don't Get Too Close or Touch, They Will Sting
While these rays contain a stinger that can at times be lethal, they only attack when seriously threatened.
#3 No, Those are not Sunken Kites. They are Rays, Lots of Rays
It is not often that we get to see such a massive school of marine life, of any kind, flocking together, but the Golden Ray is known to migrate in packs of nearly 10,000.
#4 Mingle at Your Own Risk
While they are not known to be aggressive unless provoked, it takes some Steve Irwin sized stones to dive into a water full of sting rays, we do not care what kind they are.
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