Did you know all of these?

Hog Island Press
That's a pretty exhaustive list. Even I, a self-proclaimed monster expert, didn't know all of the ones featured on the map. Let's take a closer look at a few of the more famous and not-so-famous monsters on this map.
The Pop Lick Monster - Louisville, Kentucky
Cryptid Wiki
The Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp - Scape Ore Swamp, South Carolina
Cryptid Wiki
Wampus Cat - Eastern Tennessee
Asheville Paranormal Society
Skunk Apes - Southern Florida
The Jersey Devil - Pine Barrens, Southern New Jersey
Chupacabra - Texas, New Mexico, Arizona
Big Foot - California, Oregon, Washington
Bessie - Lake Erie/Ohio, Pennsylvania
Cryptid Wiki
Bear Lake Monster - Bear Lake, Utah/Idaho
Animal Planet
Altamaha-Ha - Altamaha River, Georgia
Crypto Mundo
Alkali Lake Monster - Alkali Lake, Nebraska
Cryptid Wiki
To get a copy of this map, make sure to visit the good folks over at Hog Island Press. It's never a bad idea to have a handy monster reference chart for your supernatural travels.
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